I looked this up again to make sure I was reading the article from Bedford, IN Times-Mail correctly.
Methadone Maintenance Therapy
A type of treatment for individuals who are addicted to heroin or other opiate drugs (such as Percodan or OxyContin). Methadone is a safe and effective medication that acts as a stabilizer so people can return to daily life. Methadone does not make people high and does not replace one drug addiction with another - methadone's effects are very different from opiates. Most people receive methadone daily from a clinic, where counseling and group meetings are also available. (Join Together)
Okay, so this isn't suppose to get people high and it is safe. Well not according to a recent article from this city outside of Indianapolis. The coroner in this town has said that 10 of the 58 deaths he has investigated were related to overdose. Plus 10 more were related to drugs. These deaths were the result of prescription drugs with "methadone leading the way."
Methadone tablets, mostly what’s being abused on the area, is prescribed for chronic pain. Other prescription drugs being abused include hydrocodone and Xanax.
Isn't what the coroner saying the opposite of what the treatment is suppose to do?
Here is another fact I found in the article:
Nationally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of methadone-related deaths increased by 390 percent from 1999 to 2004: 786 deaths in 1999 compared to 3,849 deaths in 2004 (the most recent year for which statistics are available).
Now, if the individuals are getting methadone to assist them with their already existing habit, why are not these people being closely monitored? I know that prescription drugs are easily taken,but how are they getting the multiple doses?
Doctor shopping, robbery...those are current answers. Kids are selling their drugs for gas money is another comment. But 16 - 20 pills is what overdoses consist of. Sometimes even more. It boggles my mind.