Sigh. For the adults who are trying to watch out for kids, we are really in for a fight. If you remember, I posted a note about
our governor in Ohio trying to ban salvia divinorum. Again that is a little known or cared about minty herb. The Central American shamans have used this psychedelic drug for centuries for their medical and spiritual ceremonies. Guess what. The web supermarket scummies have found it. They have now created websites and have turned this herb into a best-seller. If that isn't enough, many instructional YouTube videos have been created to teach young people how to turn themselves into dazed, drooling dummies.
I suggest you click on the title of this post to learn more. It will take you to the PC article. It is truly sickening to see how many sites there are. It is catching on people, and as usual, the adults will catch on way too late for some kids.